The following VTAM Command syntax diagrams have been included:
This command starts up VTAM. Without VTAM being started, no VTAM resources can be accessed
+-S------+ | <--------------------,--+ |
|-SUPP=-+-NOSUPP-+--------+-------------------------+-+ 1)
| |-INFO---| |
| |-WARN---| |
| |-NORM---| |
| +-SER----+ |
| +-NO--+ |
|-+-TRACE---+-,TYPE=++-IO--+,ID=-+-cluster name---+ |
| +-NOTRACE-+ |+-BUF-+ |-component name-| |
| | |-ncp name-------| |
| | |-terminal name--| |
| | +-terminal name--+ |
| |-LINE,ID=line name-------------|
| +-VTAMBUF,TYPE=SMS--------------|
1) F parameter applies to OS/VS2 MVS only
To beginning of document
When VTAM is active, some of the startup parmeters can be changed
>>--+-MODIFY-+-NET,-+-DUMP ,ID=ncpname-+--------+-----------------------+--><
+-F------+ | +-,RMPO--+ |
| +-NO--+ |
|-NEGPOLL=number,ID=line name-----------------------|
|-POLL=number,ID=line name--------------------------|
|-SESSION=number,ID=line name-----------------------|
|-SESSION=number,ID=line name-----------------------|
|-+-TRACE---+-,+ID=-+-cluster name---+,TYPE=+-IO--+-|
| +-NOTRACE-+ | |-component name-| +-BUF-+ |
| | |-ncp name-------| |
| | |-terminal name--| |
| | +-terminal name--+ |
| | |
| +-ID=-+-line name,TYPE=LINE---+------|
| +-VTAMBUF,TYPE=SMS------+ |
|-TRANLIM=number,ID=terminal name-------------------|
2) OS/VS1 and OS/VS2 SVS only
To beginning of document
When VTAM is active, the various VTAM resource can be displayed
>>--+-DISPLAY-+-NET,-+-------+-,ID=+-application program name-+------------><
+-D-------+ |-EVERY-| |-bsc cluster name---------|
|-E-----| |-line name----------------|
|-ACT---| |-physical unit name-------|
|-A-----| +-NCP major node name------+
>>--+-DISPLAY-+-NET,ID=+-local 3270 terminal name-+------------------------><
+-D-------+ |-logical unit name--------|
|-terminal name------------|
|-terminal component name--|
+-physical unit name-------+
To beginning of document
You can make network resources available after VTAM has started
>>--+-VARY-+-NET,ACT,ID=+-application segment---------------------------+-----><
+-V----+ |-bsc cluster name -----------------------------|
|-line name-+--------------+--------------------|
| +,ANS=-+-ON--+-+ |
| +-OFF-+ |
|-local terminal set name--+------------+-------|
| +-,-+-COLD-+-+ |
| +-WARM-+ |
|-ncp name--+--------------------------------+--|
| +,-+-U=channel unit address------| |
| |-RNAME=remote 3704/3705 name-| |
| +-,-+-COLD-+------------------+ |
| +-WARM-+ |
|-port name-------------------------------------|
|-terminal name---------------------------------|
|-local pu name-+----------------------------+--|
| +,-U=channel unit address----+ |
|-logical unit name-----------------------------|
|-switched sna major node name-+------------+---|
| +-,-+-COLD-+-+ |
| +-WARM-+ |
|-physical unit name----------------------------|
+-local sna major node-+------------+-----------+
>>--+-VARY-+NET+----+,ID=+-bsc cluster name-------------+,LOGON=application pgm->< +-V----+ +,ACT+ |-line name--------------------| |-local terminal set name------| |-ncp name---------------------| +-switched sna major node name-+
>>--+-VARY-+NET+----+,ID=+-local sna major node name----+,LOGON=application pgm-> +-V----+ +,ACT+ |-physical unit name-----------| |-ncp major node name----------| +-switched sna major node name-+ >--+---------------------+--+------------+------------------------------------->< +-,LOGMODE=logon mode-+ +-,-+-COLD-+-+ +-WARM-+To beginning of document
You can make network resources unavailable after VTAM has started
>>--+-VARY-+NET-INACT,-+---+,ID=-+-bsc cluster name-------------+--------------><
+-V----+ |-I-| |-line name--------------------|
|-F-| |-local terminal set name------|
+-R-+ |-ncp name---------------------|
|-port name--------------------|
|-terminal name----------------|
|-physical unit name-----------|
|-logical unit name------------|
|-local SNA major node name----|
+-switched sna major node name-+
To beginning of document
This is how you stop the network
+-Z----+ +-,+-QUICK--+--+