BSP - Beratung, Schulung, Projekte

the New Users Documentation Effort.

Mainframes - We are back .... & we are pissed

Note: This information is grossly outdated and kept only for reference. Active deployment of Hercules is taking place in mainly two forks:

Note: Mentioned Hercules configuration parameters might have become outdated.

  1. JCL in the N.U.D.E
  2. Utilities uncovered
  3. Build Yourself An Editor In 7 Steps
  4. Activating VTAM and TSO on MVS 3.8J
  5. VTAM Operator Commands Cheat Sheet
  6. MVS and JES2 Commands Cheat Sheet
  7. Bare Bones MVS 3.8 System Generation
  8. MVS Tur(n)key # 3 - MVS 3.8 ready to run
  9. Utilities for the MVS Turnkey System
  10. Hercules and OS/390

Enjoy your private hercules mainframe

© Volker Bandke